In this section you can download press release files for the most recent news on our activities and our products. To receive additional information or to contact our press office, please write to: press@sorma.net.
Press releases

Stone and Metal Catalogues - Diamond Tools
The newly issued catalogues Stone (wide range of rigid and flexible diamond tools used in machining with portable or stationary machines) and Metal (abrasive solutions for metalworking) are already available in both printed and e-file versions.

Sorma at EMO Hannover 2023
Sorma S.p.a. renews its presence at EMO trade show in Hannover and will showcase the strengths of its Nikko Tools indexable tools and of its Osawa solid carbide tools for drilling and milling.

1950-2020: happy birthday, Sorma!
In 2020 Sorma is celebrating 70 years of activity. A portrait of the company, leader in the distribution of tools for the metalcutting industry and for stone and glass working.

Osawa at EMO: when the stakes are high... high feed!
Sorma is announcing at EMO the new Osawa UHF-RT end mills for high feed milling on hardened and pre-hardened ISO H and ISO P materials. This new series of solid tools features a multi-flute convex design that allows to get excellent machining performances and an extremely high chips removal rate. Osawa UHF-RT end mills offer the highest productivity on pocketing using ramping and helical interpolation.